Hey Hey Hey!

I think it's an outrage that anyone blames me for anything I say in my books.

What's a book, anyway? A bunch of facts? Noooo. Speculation! Pure speculation, and the droolings of a mind dissatisfied with something or other, like current politics or sex or the price of white truffles.

With that kind of accusatory response from my readers, I've a good mind to kick my laptop out into the snow and give up the writing gig altogether. Who needs all this abuse?

Ah, well. I do.

Every bad book review on Amazon means someone has bought a copy of my book. That's money in my pocket!

PS: I won't mention except to you and my closest friends that I write outrageous parodies to sort out people with a demented sense of humor (to add them to my stock of friends) from those who only pretend to read without moving their lips.

You don't have to believe me.

Now You Can Do Your Bit (for your dear Caz)

The best way to attract people to the wonderful benefits found in my guide on "Surviving Red Hot Sex" is for lots of readers to post lots of reviews on Amazon.

Another 10 reviews would be very nice.  100 reviews better.  If those are all 5-star reviews, better still.

Of course, if they are all 1-star reviews with insulting comments, that's not so bad, either.  Let me rack up 1,000 1-star reviews and I'll become the Champion of Rotten Reviews, and probably famous.

But show some of your native wit and good humor in your review remarks.  Make them as entertaining as "Red Hot Sex."

Give me enough reviews, good or bad, and I'll be tempted to write another.  You know that's what you want.